Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Christmas to remember...

A Christmas to remember...

First off as I said before I spent Dec. 23rd cooking tamales and then the 24th I cooked even more food! I am telling you that I thought that my family ate a lot of food! We ate apples and grapes, the big Christmas fruits and on top of that we had mega amounts of tamales and cookies and pastries!

The evening of the 24th is when all the celebrating is done! I went to a Christmas program and then to church and after church we went home and ate more! We were eating because we were waiting for midnight...midnight here is like the 4th of July in the US expect everyone lets off their fireworks at the exact same time, you can only imagine! It was cool though to look out and be able to see fireworks across the mountains, and the sky was lit up with some many colors and everyone was out on the streets huging and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! It was actually really cool! After midnight everyone goes to visit their family, I did not partake in this activity because I could not stay awak, it was way past my normal bedtime (9 pm)!

The 25th is just another day but without work, so we just lounged around the house and watched tons of TV! Although I was sick with the stomach flu which kinda made the day suck!

I am fine now and got it all out of my system, thank God! I hate having to travel on the buses with a sick stomach, not a fun experience!

Well I hope you all had a great Christmas and have an even better New Year!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas in Guatemala

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I have been so busy these last two weeks that I have not had time to update my blog, sorry! We were delivering the gifts to all the communities this last week and having lots of fiestas for the end of the year in the office, my boys love a reason to drink! Now that I think about they are kind of like college students and this time I am the responsible one, weird how things change!

I am in Magdalena spending Christmas with my host family! It has been nice so far being with a family for the holidays because it has been harder than I thought it would be to be away from my family! I miss the weirdest stuff, the cooking, the SNOW, the crowds at the mall, the fighting that always accompanys the holidays, the feeling so full you think that your button might pop off and most of all (other than my family) the candy and sweets!

So the first night I was here the posada was at my host family´s house so I got to see the ceremony of moving it from house to house! Here Christmas is still very traditional! There are places that it is more commericalized but here in Magdalena it is still very much what Christmas is suppose to be about, celebrating the birth of Christ! In the US we have forgotten why we gather with friends and family but here the people know why they are celebrating the day! But the festive atmosphere is still the same!

Yesturday I spent the whole day cooking with my host mom! I got to make the mixture for the tamales and the salsa! Then in the afternoon we actually made the tamales! You use the big leaves of the tree that produces pacya (a type of veggie here)! Then you put the corn mixture in the leaves with a piece of meat and salsa then you fold it up and then tie it with string made from some more leaves! That was my job the tying of the tamales! It was fun because it reminded me of making the chocolate preztels we make at Christmas time!

Today is the big celebration lasting I guess until 1 or 2 in the morning so I will be one tired girl tomorrow because my noramal bedtime is around 9 pm! It will be a different Christmas but also one that I will never forget!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Kappa Alpha Theta Pride...

I cannot believe that it has been three weeks since I got to site! All the over volunteers have said that the days will sometimes be slow but large chunks of time will go fast, they are totally right! I have been really busy, visiting communities, still setting up my house, laying out in the 80 degree weather reading, and washing my clothes (by hand)! It has been really fun going out to the communities because I have met so many people that way. It is awesome because this week I hardly had to buy any food because every time we went to visit people they would give me, corn, limes, oranges, this other kind of fruit you find here, and all other kinds of veggies! It is great! Things are still kind of hard in the loneliness department but now I am starting to like the time I have to myself, I get a lot done, such as reading and cleaning, I know, me cleaning there must be something wrong! I have also really enjoyed cooking for myself! Although I cannot make much right now because of my limited space, I have been doing what I can! It turns out that I really enjoy cooking, it is something that I look forward to doing every night!

So a couple of things that I have noticed/experienced while I have been here in San Martin…

First off, the story that relates to the title of this blog! I was in the community of El Platanar the other day visiting some of the coffee producers and we passed this “construction site” and one of the guys came down to say hello to the guy I was with. When the guy got close enough I realized that the front of his t-shirt said “Kappa Alpha Theta,” I almost lost it but stayed composed but probably looked really weird trying to see the back so that I would know where it was from! You may be wondering how a man in Guatemala got his hands on a Theta t-shirt well, here in Guatemala there are these wonder stores called PACA! They are pretty much like a huge rummage sale (we all know how much I love those, right girls)! They have used American clothes and sometimes you can find real gems, for example, I found a pull over NorthFace fleece for Q 20 ($ 3) in the PACA market in Antigua! You can find almost anything in these stores/markets, including “Kappa Alpha Theta” t-shirts!

My main form of transportation here in San Martin are “jalones” which are just pick-up trucks that people use to take people to and from aldeas, or San Martin and Chimal! They are now, Q1 cheaper than the bus because of the rising gas prices! The other day, being the cheap person that I am, I decided to take one from San Martin to Chimal! I was at the front of the bed of the truck leaning up against the metal bars that they have put up around the bed of the truck! Taking a jalones has its advantages and disadvantages, the advantage being you get to take in the amazing views that you cannot see from the bus but the disadvantage it that many times you come away with some sort of injury! Mine, which resulted from bumping up against the metal bars was a huge BLACK bruise on the side of my hip, gotta love the fun times!

Chimal, which is short for Chimaltenango, the capital city of my department! Chimal is hard to describe because it is one of the dirtiest, polluted, disgusting city ever, but then it has this nice mall with a food court, a Gap, and a movie theater! It is amazing that you can go from communities that little to being able to find almost anything “normal” you want in Chimal! It blows my mind!

Well, that is about all for now! Nothing to exciting but you know life in San Martin is not all the exciting, wink!